Transform 3 Percent

About us


Transform 3 percent is a team of experienced people who know how to lower body fat percentage to a single digit using natural methods of nutrition, training, recovery, and supplements. TRANSFORM 3 percent is an online platform where you will be educated and transformed by viewing videos in which we teach complex science in an easy-to-understand manner.


Throughout our years of expertise, we have seen that people are not receiving the proper education/nutrition/training/supplementation/recovery that can be witnessed once they are changed ‘by any means. Either they lose weight and experience serious health issues, or they get into the hands of people who have gained information through their experience or by hearing from others, which is known as Broscience. When they leave their Nutritionist and Trainer, they feel hampered to transform themselves again because they are unable to perform training with proper form and technique, and also because they are afraid of gaining weight/body fat, they try to maintain their weight, which has long-term health consequences.


Transform 3 percent offers to educate you on Nutrition, Supplementation, Training, and Recovery. We guarantee that by the time you achieve single-digit body fat, you will be Your Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, and no one will be able to mislead you. We will assist you in documenting all that will be required in the future to convert you again. We will teach you how to create a nutrition plan, how to break plateau levels with different nutrition, training, and recovery techniques, and how to break plateau levels with different nutrition, training, and recovery strategies. We will also teach you how to create a training program and make modifications based on your body composition. We will also educate you on how to read, comprehend, and evaluate body composition.


1- It is a low-cost way to receive high-quality knowledge of transformation from anywhere around the world. All your answers are under one roof with Scientific Evidence which will give clarity on nutrition/ training/recovery/supplementation.

2- Give people the knowledge they need; we will not play hide and seek to keep getting renewals; we genuinely want our trainees to get results as soon as possible and have the confidence to continue their journey without anyone’s help; this will inspire others and eventually help us generate more business.


Our first aim is to dispel all myths about nutrition, training, recuperation, and supplementation since they have caused much uncertainty, and this confusion can only be dispelled via scientific data, which finally leads to clarity.


Is it difficult for me to locate the information I want under one roof?

We are aware of many fitness YouTube channels, but we find a lack of science in them, and we also know that after watching many videos, it is becoming difficult for people to put information into action; this is why we are here to provide knowledge, which means that the information we will provide can be implemented step by step.

We have tried and are still trying to provide high-quality knowledge to keep you updated with scientific evidence for that, and we have done a lot of work in detailing and analyzing people learning patterns from our last 10 Years of experience by counseling and educating more than Hundreds of trainees one on one.


We sincerely want to educate and transform many people, but we can’t stand physically or provide one-on-one coaching, so we have decided to provide two services: one will provide one-on-one counseling, and the other will provide online knowledge, nutrition/supplementation/training plan. The only difference between the two services is that with the one-on-one service, we will do a follow-up on your body composition, answer your endless questions with scientific proof, and maintain track of your Training Form and Techniques, which will not be available in the other service. Another service will not provide you to connect with us in any form and we will not be responsible for your transformation but that doesn’t mean this service is less effective, it only means as we have mentioned in starting it is not possible for humans to provide one-on-one coaching to many people at a time hence we have kept another service in low-cost compare to others that many can get benefits.


We have seen many people in the market with or without a certificate by the name of Nutritionist/Personal trainer simply because they have lost weight in some way. As we all know, the Nutritionist/Personal trainer title is not protected, so we only hire Certified Nutritionist/Personal trainers who have transformed themselves and others using a scientific approach.


We’ve spent a lot of money/years/time educating ourselves and also transforming our bodies numerous times with different Nutrition/Supplementation/Training techniques, which has given us a lot of insight into what works and what doesn’t. We’ve even come across products that appear and sound amazing on paper but don’t work or have a minor influence on the body. We are also conscious that, although being Homosapien, we have minor differences owing to our DNA, which necessitates a different strategy for some people.

We want every individual to transform their physique once in their life to show how beautifully nature has constructed their body (Muscles) with a low body fat percentage.


We cannot predict how long it will take to remodel your body since, because we did not create it, no scientist can claim to know everything about it. Science is still investigating and looking for answers to many concerns, and we are uninformed of many aspects of the body, particularly scientific studies on the subject of Nutrition/Supplementation/Training & Recovery in peers.


We support the drug-free strength/Transformation community by giving a scientific method so that Natural Transformation is recognized.

Doesn’t matter how old we get in our field or how much experience we acquire we are committed to updating ourselves and our trainees for a lifetime on scientific evidence.

We are diligent in assimilating what the current body of scientific evidence recommends But – above all – we treat every single client as an individual. No two people are the same. 

We are careful in integrating what the current body of scientific research says, but most importantly, we treat each client as an individual. Nobody is the same.