We offer 2 onboarding methods of coaching and consulting to Transform your body.
We Only Work With Coachable Trainees |
One-on-one Offline Coaching
(Weekly Email/audio/video Checking) |
Video Coaching |
Who is it for?
- Wants Form and Technique tracking personally and correction.
- Want to personally track their body composition and guidance in the change in Nutrition/Training/Supplementation?
- Want a customized nutrition/Training/Supplementation plan based on body composition, Physique condition, or lifting progress?
- Want to clear doubts or gain knowledge immediately?
Wants to gain knowledge By watching education Videos and reading ebooks to transform themself. |
What will I get? |
- Weekly Connection with your Transformation 3% coach.
- Progressive Training Plan weekly based on current form and Technique, Weight progression, or Physique condition.
- A customized Nutrition plan based on body composition or Physique condition.
- Customized supplementation recommendation based on body composition or Physique condition.
- Posing and Photoshoot are coaching
- Form and Technique correction via photo or video, or audio.
- Lifetime excess to updated educational videos and ebooks.
Lifetime excess to updated ebooks. |
Where do I begin? |
Once you are ready with food, grocery, necessary supplementation, and blood report recommended by your Tranformation3% coach. |
Begin Anytime! |
What is the cost? |
Can connect on call by booking a counseling session?
Date & time you & transform3% coach will decide).